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Five Cool Accessories For Your Hot Tub You Must Buy In 2021

Winter season is starting and you are about to welcome the upcoming chilly days and nights with your cosy and therapeutic hot tub. Why not accessorize your lovely tub to enhance its comfort and variety with super cool accessories? We are not talking about putting up the traditional ‘lights and wine show’ in your bathtub, of course, but offering practical and trending accessories options! Confirming that, we have prepared a list of certain handy accessories below by doing a thorough search to save your time.

Floating Drink Holders

Drink holders are a must for any ‘hot-tubers! Especially floating holders are the most convenient and cool hot tub accessories as they will help you keep your drinks safe while you enjoy the warmth and relax without worrying about your drinks spilling in the water.

Stair Steps

Yes! You can also bring home a stair-step made for your hot tub so that you can enter and exit from the tub with ease. These are especially useful for tackling slippery surfaces and for the elderly who cannot just climb in and out of the tub.

Underwater LED Lights

When we say cool, we mean things that stand out and make you feel amazing! Underwater LED lights do the same. There are a wide variety of LED lights available with super cool features such as disco lights, different colours, easy to use and operate, etc. They are wonderful Hot tub accessories for party nights and for forgiving yourself a good pampering time.

Inflatable Pillows

Hot tubs can offer you a luxurious experience of enjoying therapeutic relaxation every day and anytime inside your home for free! But relaxing without suitable head support remains incomplete, hence come inflatable bath pillows which are also the most trending! They are easy to use, waterproof, and extremely durable for you to enjoy long hours of relaxing.

Epsom Bath Salt And Aromatherapy

Terms like therapy, relaxation, pampering, etc. become relevant when we think of Epsom bath salts. They are used to reduce swelling, treat aches, relieve tired muscles, and overall give your body a wonderfully relaxing experience especially after those long tiring workdays. Today, you can find Epsom salts in a fragrant variety of lavender, mint, rose, orange, etc., and use them for enjoying some aromatherapy sessions as well!


There might be endless options available in the market when it comes to accessorizing your hot tub. Choose those that are fun, beneficial, and useful!

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