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How To Install Glass Verandas?

Glass has become one of the most used materials for interior and exterior décor in both residential and commercial properties. Starting from glass floors to the ceiling to floor walls, adding glass to such structures not only make the ambience extravagantly lavish but also improve the aesthetics of the place. Perhaps that’s the reason for the increasing popularity of a glass veranda.

Having an exterior enclosure surrounding your house from all four sides will look amazing and also allow you to spend some time outdoors with complete privacy. However, installing such a veranda structure with glass covers or walls is not a piece of cake. There are so many different factors one needs to be aware of.

Moreover, if the installation is not done correctly, it will put your safety and the property’s integrity at risk.

 Let’s have a look at the ways in which a glass veranda can be installed:-

Start With Taking A Proper Measurement Of The Planned Veranda

The first step for installing the glass verandas is taking the measurements properly. Start with the length of the entire outdoor veranda and decide how much coverage you would like to have in your house. Once done, measure the distance of the veranda wall from the exterior wall of the main property. These two dimensions will be enough to get started with the installation of a glass veranda.

Select The Height Of The Veranda Enclosure

Just like you can select different heights of the balcony fencing or enclosure boundary, the same thing needs to be done for the glass veranda.

You will have three main options:-

  1. A glass enclosure with half the height of the entire veranda.
  2. A full ceiling to floor glass veranda enclosure.
  3. An enclosure covering 80% of the veranda height while leaving sliver space at the top.

Based on the chosen height, the functionality of this structure will also change.

Research A Little About The Veranda Style

While planning for installing the glass verandas, you need to pick out the most appropriate style. You can go for the standard verandas where the outside patio will extend further from the main property and will be a permanent construction. In the freestanding style, you simply have to add a custom-designed veranda having a floor and a glass wall.

Decide The Type Of Glass You Want To Use

Lastly, you have to decide the glass type you would like to use in the veranda. For a sophisticated and elegant look, you can go for transparent glasses with no trace of tint or hue in them. But if you want to add colour to the veranda, you can use tinted glasses like light green, pinkish glass, and so on. Besides, translucent and hazy glasses can also be installed on your veranda.

Final Thoughts

Creating and installing the glass veranda is definitely not an easy task. There are a lot of considerations that you have to pay attention to so that the entire glass veranda looks exactly like the one you desire to have at your home.

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