Property Barometer: What Buyers Is Particularly Important
If the environment is not good, even the most beautiful property is useless. Because the most important broker rule is: location, location and just location! But there are different views on what constitutes a good location.
While it draws the owner-occupiers rather to the outskirts, investors preferred to make investments in urban real estate and put more emphasis on good parking as well as close to nature. This is the result of survey conducted by two real estate companies jointly they interviewed for a total of 1,129 buyers in May 2014.
Even users like it greener than investors
Good shopping and access to public transport – these are for the majority of homebuyers, the two most important location criteria for property selection (68 or 58%). At point “close to nature” but there are different preferences: while almost half (45%) of owner-occupiers attaches’ great importance to a green environment, this situation is less crucial aspect for investors (29%).
Only 5% of investors would invest in a rural property
The lower the interest to buy a property near forest and meadows may be because also that for most investors (53%) comes exclusively a property in the city in question. Only about 5% of investors would invest in a rural property. In contrast, the majority of the owner-occupier prefers the green suburbs (54%), only one in three will live in the city or move to the country (13%).
Please balcony
Even with the exclusion criteria, there are large differences between owner-occupiers and property investors. For every three homeowners a property without a garden would be unthinkable. In particular, the women, the green oasis is important. For investors this criterion, however, is of secondary importance (11.5% agreement). Watch more on structural properties and want no property without a balcony or low ceilings (24 and 26% respectively). Agree, however, all buyers are that in any case a major road or problematic neighborhood may disturb the residential idyll.
The Top 5-position criteria at a glance (owner-occupiers and investors):
Good for shopping (68%)
Access to public transport (58%)
Closeness to nature (42%)
Medical care (41%)
Proximity to the workplace (38%)
The main exclusion criteria for the choice property
(Owner-occupiers and investors):
Noise, e.g. by large street (45%)
Problematic neighborhood (33%)
No garden (29%)
Dark rooms / low light (22%)
Missing Garage / no parking space (22%)